The day before yesterday, I surprised myself. While exiting onto 610 - the north loop, another car cut in front of me - dangerously close and apparently totally unaware. My impulse reaction was to lay on my horn in frustration. You know how it angers me when others put my life at risk. Well at the sound of my horn, the driver, unaware of what was happening, recklessly jerked his car first to the right and then to the left.
What surprised me was that I felt bad for him. It scared me that he endangered his own life. Maybe my instant and strong reaction caused him to be frightened and overact.
Whoa, what is happening? Do I have a soft spot, even for people who endanger my life. Surely not. I'm worried. Who am I?
Later in the day, I was riding on a feeder road and stayed in the left lane because I could see construction up ahead. Well the pick-up just slightly behind me but in the right lane, wasn't so lucky. He came right onto the construction, had to stop and got caught waiting for everyone to go around him. What a drag. I hate getting stuck in a lane where I was leading and now everyone is going around me. And there it was again. I actually felt bad for the guy. I tried to let him around in the split second that I had but he didn't see it and so on I went.
What was happening to me ? What does it mean? Am I not the person I thought I was?
I am not too concerned. Later in the day I got really angry with a driver who sat at a stop light long enough to leave me waiting for the next green light. I hate when that happens. And I didn't have one feeling of sympathy for that driver. I guess I am still me.
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